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~Tayaŋ Yahí - Welcome~


TURTLE ISLAND INDIGENOUS AFFAIRS INVESTIGATIONS(T.I.I.A.) Is a SECURITY and INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE. WE ARE A SPECIAL, AND INDEPENDENT, LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY BASED ON SPIRITUAL AND NATURAL LAW. WE ARE CRIME FIGHTERS WORKING IN COOPERATION WITH  TRIBAL AND G AOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES TO MAKE RIGHT MANY WRONGS DONE. We serve the Indigenous Peoples of what is called the Americas in investigating, and resolving the many serious issues affecting tribal life and well being. We also cooperate with local law enforcement in the reporting of criminal activities, which affect public safety. These services are totally FREE, and are offered with love for Earth, Sky, and All Our Relations In Between. On this site there are several contact forms for tribal nations, the general public, and law enforcement agencies at every level.

     ABOVE ALL THINGS, in every situation, we offer Smoke and Prayers for The People... All Our Relations.

*Hablamos Español*


Taina Amayi Rivera (Little Eagle Woman), Chief

Patricia L. Sanchez (Raven), Deputy Chief

My people are few. They resemble the scattering trees of a storm-swept plain... There was a time when our people covered the land as the waves of a wind-ruffled sea cover its shell-paved floor, but that time long since passed away with the greatness of tribes that are now but a mournful memory... To us the ashes of our ancestors are sacred and their resting place is hallowed ground. You wander far from the graves of your ancestors and seemingly without regret. Your religion was written upon tablets of stone by the iron finger of your God so that you could not forget. The Red Man could never comprehend or remember it. Our religion is the traditions of our ancestors -- the dreams of our old men, given them in solemn hours of the night by the Great Spirit; and the visions of our sachems, and is written in the hearts of our people.
Your dead cease to love you and the land of their nativity as soon as they pass the portals of the tomb and wander away beyond the stars. They are soon forgotten and never return. Our dead never forget this beautiful world that gave them being...
and when the last Red Man shall have perished, and the memory of my tribe shall have become a myth among the White Men, these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe, and when your children's children think themselves alone in the field, the store, the shop, upon the highway, or in the silence of the pathless woods, they will not be alone. In all the earth there is no place dedicated to solitude. At night when the streets of your cities and villages are silent and you think them deserted, they will throng with the returning hosts that once filled them and still love this beautiful land. The White Man will never be alone.
Let him be just and deal kindly with my people, for the dead are not powerless. Dead, did I say? There is no death, only a change of worlds.”
(Chief Seattle, Salish Indian and chief of the Dwamish tribe of the Pacific Northwest in his address to the Governor, Isaac Stevens at the signing of a treaty)


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